
We are a third generation, family owned and operated camp and our guiding principles have remained the same for nearly eight decades.

Like most camps we are all about having fun, but what distinguishes Ponacka from many overnight camps is the emphasis we place on the boys’ development.

At Ponacka every day we strive to develop each boy with respect to:

1. Confidence – children develop confidence through acquiring new skills and abilities and this is what our program activities focus on. We encourage the boys to develop their skills through working towards award levels at our activities, many of which are provincially or nationally recognized (e.g. Lifesaving Society swimming, ORKCA canoeing, and CANSail sailing). Our canoe tripping program, sports leagues, arts, drama, and creative programs also provide many supportive opportunities for our boys to go outside their comfort zone and develop greater confidence in themselves.

2. Social skills – through living, playing, and tripping as a group, the boys who come back to Ponacka year after year learn how to build a rich social life through developing lifelong friendships, learning to be a leader, work as a team, take responsibility for themselves, and manage conflict.

3. Values – through our culture and the everyday examples provided by our staff, as well as teaching moments like our “morning talks” and non-denominational Sunday chapel services, we seek to cultivate Ponacka’s core values in the boys – kindness, generosity, humility, a spirit of forgiveness, and an appreciation of the natural world.


Ponacka can accomplish this because of how we are built:


1. We are a small camp – with only 150 boys each session, every staff member is expected to know every boy by name, and our directors know and understand each boy’s unique personality and development opportunities.

2. Our unique staffing – all of our counsellors are former Ponacka campers, so we know them well and they are steeped in our culture. We thoughtfully assign each of our counsellors to a specific cabin group, and they live with that group in the cabins and tents. Unlike many other camps, our counsellors also teach our activities and lead their cabin group’s canoe trip. As a result, our counsellors come to know their boys extremely well and are best positioned to ensure each boy has a happy and successful camp experience.

3. Dedication to knowing each of our campers – before each new boy starts at Ponacka they receive a visit from the Directors at their home so we can get to know him and his family and understand how best make his Ponacka experience a success. During the summer, our staff meet multiple times a week to review, discuss, and address each cabin group’s camper concerns, such as homesickness, interpersonal conflict, bullying, use of inappropriate language, etc.

The Importance of a One-Month Experience

At first the thought of 4 weeks away sounded like a really long time for our “little boys” but once there it is clear why this is an essential part of the Ponacka program.  

Picture any holiday – usually a week, if you are lucky two – it takes several days to wind down at the beginning to get to enjoy time away, then several more to wind back up at the end to prepare to get back to the “real world”. Not really much time to actually enjoy and get much from the time away. Time really does fly when you are having fun. Ponacka gives the boys the gift of 4 weeks to really make the most of their experience.  Not only do they get to completely settle in, being comfortable with the routines, make their tent/cabin their home and get to really know the people around them, but they also get to truly develop new skills in activities that simply can’t get done in any shorter period of time. They have time to go on a real canoe trip into the wilderness, play a meaningful season of PHL, and earn entire swimming levels, and high level canoeing, riding and sailing levels. Most importantly though, 4 weeks gives the boys the time and space to truly develop their independence, social skills, self esteem, and make true friends for life. Our boys have both been at Ponacka for over 10 years.  We can’t imagine a better experience in their lives any other way.

Kim Morrison

Camp Doctor, 2007-2019

Kim with sons Aaron and Corey
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